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definition of computer

Q. What is computer?

Ans. Computer is an electronic machine which is used to proper Trade, Education, Research etc.
Or, computer is an advance electronic device especially a programmable electronic machine that talks row data as input from the user and process these data under the control of set of instructions (called program) and give the result (output) and save output for the future use. It can process both numerical and non - numerical (arithmetic and logical) calculation.

Defination and introduction of Computer
Computer Components

Q. Function of Computer

Ans. While the function and application of a computer are almost endless, we can sense four primary purposes that are all liked to data (information) Entering data, manipulating data, viewing processed data, and sorting data. Computers are designed to transform raw data into information. The computer operators under the control of instruction stored in it's own memory unit and can accept inputted data, process it arithmetically and through sequenced based logic, produce information, and store the results for future use. All the application of a computer derive from this basic starting point.
All the physical components of a computer which we can se, touch and feel in the computer system are as known as hardware. such physical components may be used for send, store manipulate and show the data. A computer consists of three main components:-

  • Input/output unit
  • Central Processing unit (CPU)
  • Memory unit

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