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Computer Shortcuts Keys

CTRL Shortcuts               Desciption
Ctrl+A                               Select All
Ctrl+B                               Bold
Ctrl+C                               Copy
Ctrl+ALT+V                     Paste Special
Ctrl+D                               Fill Down
Ctrl+E                               Left Alignment
Ctrl+F                               Find
Ctrl+G                              Go To 
Ctrl+H                              Replace
Ctrl+I                                Italic
Ctrl+J                               Justify Alignment
Ctrl+K                              Insert Hyperlink
Ctrl+N                              New Document/Workbook/Page
Ctrl+O                              Open File
Ctrl+P                               Print                           
Ctrl+R                              Right Alignment
Ctrl+S                               Save
Ctrl+T                              Create Table
Ctrl+U                              Undrline
Ctrl+V                              Paste
Ctrl+W                             Close Window
Ctrl+X                              Cut
Ctrl+Y                              Repeat
Ctrl+Z                              Undo
Ctrl+1                               Format Box
Ctrl+5                               Strike-through
Ctrl+9                               Hide Row
Shift+CTRL+9                Unhide Row

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