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Input Unit meaning | input unit function

What is input unit input unit function
input unit

What is input Unit?
=> Different kinds of input and output and devices are used for different kinds of input and output requirements. The devices which are used to input information or instruction into the computers are called input device. These are electromagnetically and peripheral deice that converts symbols the people understand int bits that computers can processes.

Hence : Which devices is used to input the data into the computer is called input device. There are dozens of possible input devices for:


A keyboard is a Primary input device, which used to encode data by key depression, which enters information into a system. The keyboard converts alphabets and numbers, and other special symbols into electrical signals that processor can understand and process. These signals are sent to the computer's CPU. It is a common input device. It is provided along with the computer, and is easy to use When the data is being typed, The display monitor displays the typed data. Cursor is a vertical line, an underscore, blinking line, etc.


Mouse is the most popular point and draw device. It is an electro-mechanical device used as a pointer to select items from an "on screen" menu. Mouse was originally designed with the idea of reducing the number of key strokes required for a particular task. A mouse is a small hand-held device, which can comfortably fit in  a user's palm.

The mouse usually has a ball and buttons and is connected to the system unit through serial port or USB port. As a mouse is rolled across the flat desktop in any detection, it locates the pointer correspondingly on the screen. Then it issues commands using the selection buttons on the mouse. Man portable microcomputers such as lap-tops use Laboratory. Previously it was known as Point Device.
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