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 DCA 'Diploma in Computer Application'

DCA course part-2

क्या आप भी घर पर रह कर औरो की तरह Computer सीखना चाहते है Free में तो Computer बेसिक Course DCA के लिए मेरे इस ब्लॉग को पूरा पढ़े और निचे दिया गया वीडियो Link पर Click कर Practical करना सीखें ा 
आज का पार्ट -२ में सीखेंगे :

Accessories : Windows  Programs

Windows 10 comes with a number of applications that can make you productive immediately without having to install expensive software on your system. Clicking on the Start Button, find out windows Accessories. then click and then clicking on the application name can start most of these applications. You should find the following applications if they have been installed on your system and we will take a look at each of these:
  • Notepad
  • Paint
  • WordPad
  • Snipping Tool 


Notepad is a basic text editor that you can use to create simple documents. it has not really changed much even though all other standard windows tools were upgraded with each new version. The most common use for Notepad is to view or edit text(.txt) files, but many users find Notepad a simple tool for creating web pages.

How to Open Notepad

Under Windows, Notepad can be found by pressing:
Rule 1 : Start->Programs->Windows Accessories->Notepad
Rule 2 : Press Win Key+R->Type Notepad->Press Enter key/Ok

The Notepad Interface:
The main window of the application is quite simple. As you can see in the image below, there are only five menus and two information areas to deal with, other than the writing area.
Elements of the Notepad Screen:

Notepad Menus and their commands 

Before discuss the individual menus, notice something about the menu bar itself. See the underlined letters in each of the menu items (File, Edit, Format, View, etc.) if you hold down the <Alt> key and press these letters, you will select that menu. Obviously you can select each menu with the mouse, but this gives you an alternative way of getting into them. So, you can get into the File menu by pressing <Alt>F

The Menu Bar on top has a few useful menus.

1) File Menu (Alt+F):

2) Edit Menu (Alt+F):

3) format Menu (Alt+O)

You can set some font options like size, type or style in the format menu. In the Format menu there is an option called "Word Wrap". When this option is not active the text appears in a continuous line, no matter how long it is. If you have to rad a very long text, you need to use the scroll bar to read it all.

Word Wrap: this will take words that don't fit in the Notepad window and wrap them down to the next line. A check mark appears when word wrap is turned on.

Font: This allows you to change the appearance of text, like Font, Font Style, and font size.

4) View Menu (Alt+V):

This menu only contains one item.
Status Bar : It will place an extra line at the bottom of the Notepad window to keep you informed of what has or will be done as you work in Notepad.

5) Help Menu (Alt+H):

Most programs in Windows have a Help menu that provides information about using that particular program. The Help menu may not answer all your questions about a program.

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